Support for baofeng bf490 and bf480 software from baofeng is in chinese. How to install the baofeng usb programming cable and software. Baofeng bf888s programing with bf480 software duration. The baofeng bfu3 uhf 16 channel mini hand held is a two watt transceiver covering from 400 to 470 mhz. Baofeng software download driving theory test software v. The safest bet for buying an official baofeng is to get the bff8hp from a reputable dealer including btech or baofeng directly. Baofeng handheld two way radios are well known among amateur radio operators everywhere. Programming software rss for the baofeng uv3r plus series of portable radios. Select the com port assigned to cable 18 if you are unable to identify your com port. Switch on the bf888s and it will be in programming mode. Programming software rss for the baofeng uv6 and uv7 series of portable radios. In this video we explain how to obtain the programming software for the baofeng bf888s. Bluetooth programming adaptor for baofeng radios bf888s bf480.
These radios are compact, easy to use, versatile and, best of all, extremely inexpensive. The baofeng bf u3 uhf 16 channel mini hand held is a two watt transceiver covering from 400 to 470 mhz. Bluetooth programming adaptor for baofeng radios bf888s. The bf666s and bf888 can use the same programmer either the bao666s or bao888. Baofeng handheld btech mobile radio programming software. I looked under kenwood h777 but no such file exsists. The bfu3 can be set to low power operation less than 1 watt with the programming software. Bf 480 bf 888s bf 777s bf 666s suitable for mobile phone apple mobile phone.
Bao666s programming software for the pofungbaofeng bf666s dcs rx dcs dcs polarity tx power scan add beat shift busy lock comment receive frequency transmit frequency offset frequency offset direction operating mode tone mode ctcss rx ctcss memory channel functions left to right the bao666s programmer is designed to give you the ease and. Product was successfully added to your shopping cart. Here you will find user manuals, device drivers and softwares. A repeater is an electronic device that receives a signal on one frequency and retransmits it at a higher level or higher power, or onto the other side of an obstruction on a different frequency, so that the signal. Beat shift scramble function baofeng bf 888spofung gt1.
Beat shift scramble function baofeng bf888spofung gt1. This can be a big turn off but it doesnt have to be as programming the radio is pretty easy. How to program the baofeng bf 888s radio by the baofeng bf 888s is a very cool and inexpensive little radio that a lot of people purchase before realizing that there is no way to program the baofeng bf 888s radio with just the radio, you have to purchase a programming cable, download the software, and learn what you are doing first. Simply complete checkout and you can download instantly from your downloads section on our website. Problems between baofeng bf888s and bf480 software yannick pmriste. Programming software for the following models chirp programming software. Having launched the baofeng series of wireless walkietalkies and related ancillary products. Program software for baofeng waterproof series wp970. I tried online for the bf 480 software and upon downloading it it came up with. Baofeng 888s plus new model of baofeng china,good outlook, multi feature functions 86505020258 skype email wechat. Support for baofeng bf 490 and bf 480 software from baofeng is in chinese.
How to program the baofeng bf888s radio the best ham radio. If youre buying a uv5r in 2020, it is most likely a knockoff made by someone other than baofeng. The two programs are offered separately to make it easier for you to find the one you need first. In the bf 480 software select to read from transceiver. Models such as the uv3r, uvb6, bf f9 and the legendary uv5r are a common staple in the modern ham shack, and with good reason. These radios are all the same so one programmer will address each of the variations. The programming cable must always be connected before switching the bf on. Sep 24, 2016 program software bf 480 for 888sa 888s pls17478 downloadsdownload now. Dmr dual band radio 6174400470mhz support uv double segment, frequency range. Baofeng bff8hp uv5r 3rd gen 8watt dual band twoway radio first of all, the sma connector is likely opposite of what you would expect. So i would not be surprised if your radio is already supported. The bao666s software allows you to program memory channels and menu settings of the baofeng bf 666s radio. Most baofeng radios operate in both vhf and uhf frequencies. The other method to communicate with a radio is through a repeater.
The bf 666s and bf 888 can use the same programmer either the bao666s or bao888. I believe the bf480 software was originally provided by baofeng to program the bf888s radios. Bao666s programming software for the pofungbaofeng bf. The radio has 2 power levels 5 watt maximum, allowing you to choose how far you can communicate. After a bit of looking i found that the oem software for the bf 480 pro does work on the 230. Switch on the bf 888s and it will be in programming mode.
Baofeng radio us is the authorized distributor of baofeng products, introducing new range of baofeng radios. Baofeng uv5ra ham two way radio 6174400 480 mhz dualband transceiver black. This is the download for the genuine baofeng bf888s which we offer for download absolutely free of charge. Bf480 bf888s bf777s bf666s suitable for mobile phone apple mobile phone. Beat shift scramble function baofeng bf888spofung gt1 ive seen bits and pieces on the internet about the beat shift function on the cheap baofeng bf888s and pofung gt1 radios so i decided to do some hunting for software that will enable it to be used as chirp does not. The bao666s software allows you to program memory channels and menu settings of the baofeng bf666s radio. Baofeng bf888s programming software free instant download. View online or download baofeng bf888s user manual, manual. Programming with software the baofeng pofung bf888s uhv. You can give channels alphanumeric names, using a computer.
Here you will find user manuals, device drivers and softwares for a wide range of our products. Bao666s programming software for the pofungbaofeng bf666s. Find the top baofeng handheld ham radios with the msn buying guides compare. Problems between baofeng bf888s and bf480 software youtube. How to program the baofeng bf888s radio the best ham. I just aquired a baofeng bf 888s with programming lead and disk cd but no where on the disk is the software for my radio. Baofeng bf 888s programming software free download with installation. Note that i used windows 10 and a true baofeng cord and not a knockoff. Baofeng uv5ra ham two way radio 6174400480 mhz dualband transceiver black. Baofeng bf t1 uhf singleband walkietalkie, licensed for use, from 400 to 480 mhz with 1 watt maximum. Program software for baofeng uv5r windows 64 bit vip version. Baofeng bf 480 programming software theres a guide on how to set up this radio for access to the essex gb3da repeater here.
Pl2303 usb driver support win xp win7 win8 20170607. Baofeng software download software free download baofeng. The baofeng bf888s is a very cool and inexpensive little radio that a lot of people purchase before realizing that there is no way to program the baofeng bf888s radio with just the radio, you have to purchase a programming cable, download the software, and learn what you are doing first. Programming software for radio communication device zastone. The size is similar to the popular uv3r, uses the same battery and accessories but can not be programmed from the front panel. Baofeng radios are designed to be affordable radios for licensed amateur radio enthusiasts and commercial users schools, hospitals, municipalities, and many more. Download the software at your own risk, i accept no responsibility to any damage caused to computers or radios should you use this. The bf u3 can be set to low power operation less than 1 watt with the programming software. This is the download for the genuine baofeng bf 888s which we offer for download absolutely free of charge. If you own a uv3r, rather than programming it up from the radios software interface, you may want to invest in a programming lead, and set up the radio and memory presets faster using software on your pc. The original setup can then be saved to a file before reprogramming.
Apr 07, 20 problems between baofeng bf 888s and bf 480 software yannick pmriste. Jan 05, 2019 baofeng bf 480 programming software theres a guide on how to set up this radio for access to the essex gb3da repeater here. Baofeng bft1 uhf singleband walkietalkie, licensed for use, from 400 to 480 mhz with 1 watt maximum. Programming with software the baofeng pofung bf 888s uhv. Baofeng bf888s programming software free download with. I had several high gain dual band antennas from my previous hts, and the connector on the baofeng is the opposite gender. The bf888 and bf666s can use the same programmer either the bao888 or bao666s. Blognewsblog baofeng radio us the official baofeng. This set is sold unconfigured and requires the optional usb programming cable, to program the frequencies on bft1.
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